It's been one of those days.
Rushed to get studio ready for morning ladies. Who were late.
Rushed to decant 25kg of plaster powder into 5 kg bags to make drying slabs so I could get a shower after the dirty job.
But Bella needed walking early. So I didn't get a shower!
Rushed to get back from walkies to get Mr W to the dentist so I could have the car to get to Jasper in time. Not sure why he couldn't take the motorbike!!
Jasper had a mini melt down with mummy and the Duplo. Didn't last long.
Went shopping for a big boy car seat ready for babysitting Baby Mylo and Matty MooMoo tomorrow. Couldn't put it together. Jasper dropped my Next return parcel in a puddle.
Got home at 5.30 to load the kiln because I didn't get a chance to do it this morning as a hirer wanted to unload her own load that went on on Monday. Found a broken porcelain clock that had been drying. Morning lady thought it was the bisque mould. It REALLY annoys me to find unnecessary breakages. Especially when they have taken so long to make.
Started dinner at 7pm. Hinted to Mr W to go and get fish and chips but he was too busy mapping a bike route around the UK.... Again.
Needed to get floors hoovered and washed before Baby Mylo comes tomorrow but ran out of steam after the hoovering bit.
Being pulled in every direction is a wee bit stressful. I need to learn to delegate!
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