
By Hamp5on


An EB but an appropriate one as not only had it been raining on and off all day, I also learned a new bit of Spanish today - llueve tiri miri! Meaning "it's drizzling". I'd never heard that expression before. I liked this bit of graffiti, and the crown putting me in mind of 'reign'.
An early start with online prayers at 7am, then just as Nate and I were about to walk to school in the whistling wind, Danny's 9am pastoral cancelled so he was able to give us a lift. Tired Nate (kept awake til late by the crazy strong winds) was very very pleased.
I had the ES coffee. Just a select few today. The bad weather kept folks in their homes, understandably. They're mostly in their 80s.
Later Nate and I bussed it to Patis Oberts then straight to meet Alanna for our weekly time together looking at the next Sunday and catching up on all things church. It's always so good having time with her, she's becoming a soul friend.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lent beginning, and the chance to have this reflective season. I've stopped evening TV, so I'm looking forward to a more wholesome and thoughtful few weeks... I need to get through some books.
2) The ES guys and particularly time with Mercedes.
3) Some real 'penny dropping' moments whilst listening to a podcast about the Holy Spirit as I walked back from taking Nate to PO.

Extra grateful... Nate loving looking at mom and dad's house on Google maps and seeing dad's car, and seeing dad himself, stood at the door! He also enjoyed 'walking' round the corner to Zion's. I told Asha who told me she also looks at mom and dad's on Google maps and 'walks' up the hill to church. Aaahhhhh.... 

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