I hung my daughters washing out; it's so nice to be able to hang clothes out to dry on these lovely Sunny days.
Surprise visit from my friend Jane; she needed someone to talk to & I'm so glad she chose me. I asked if she wanted a hug & she did, Bless her... she's not the Hugging type; so glad she accepted a Hug from me.
Jane didn't stay long, she had work to get to.
I then went to the Community Fridge to get a few bits which is always nice, such a lovely couple that run it.
Home & a visit to Joan who tells me she still hasn't had her meds delivered; so I contacted the Chemist when I got home to be told that they should be delivered this afternoon, I hope so.
Such a lovely Sunshine day I decided to go for a Bike Ride along Horsey Sewer up to Langney Roundabout & back which was so good, that's where I saw this Swan making a nest & I also think a Duck was doing the same closeby. :)
Time to go home for Lunch before checking once more if Joan's Meds have been delivered; thank goodness they've been delivered as she only had enough for today; I don't know why they can't deliver them a week before she runs out; not good service really.
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