No 21: Dark Green Fritillary

Today we had a walk out in the White Peak, Lathkilldale to be exact. It's a National Nature Reserve and a very special place. I was hoping for some butterflies, but as it was cool, and the sun didn't break through very much, there were not that many around, and lots of the ones that were seemed to have suffered in the wet and blustery weather of late and were looking a bit ragged. we were probably at least three quarters of the way into our walk when I spotted a common blue in good condition feeding on a flower. As I stopped to get a photo, Pete noticed a redstart flying around, so we waited to see if we could get some good views. We were lucky enough to see at least 3 - probably a family group. We then saw a spotted flycatcher and a willow warbler. This fritillary also arrived and as I'd got my macro lens with me, and it was posing nicely I was able to get a few shots, this one being my favourite. I'm reasonably confident that it's a female dark green fritillary based on the location and habitat but as I didn't get a view of the underside of the wing, I can't be 100% sure.
Before we left the dale, we saw 2 more redstarts. Obviously a hotspot for them. It's also an excellent place for beautiful wax cap fungi, so I hope to be back in a month or two to see if I can find o few of those too.
We tried out our new local food pub this evening. We went for the early bird menu 2 meals for £8.95. Very acceptable.
PS I omitted to number the small heath I posted a week or two ago, so it would have been no. 20.

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