
By meles


I accompanied D up to Boots for a full audiology test (he was asked to bring a 'familiar voice' if possible!). It took about an hour and seemed very thorough - apart from providing a bit of conversation I mostly watched the graphs. Moderate hearing lost confirmed (Der!), verging on severe for a couple of the higher frequencies. Hearing aids tried out and judged successful - so a pair ordered for fitting next week. They'll cost an arm and a leg (and they were almost the cheapest set!)  You can apparently get NHS ones, but there's an approx 10 month wait.

Came home via the fish shop and Crombies in Broughton St, so thought we might as well have a pint in the Cask and Barrel. Lovely!

Then on our way to the tram stop, D spotted this bottom set of false teeth. Opposite a dentist in Annandale St advertising NHS slots still available......

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