Micro Organizing

Now that the major organizing is wrapped up here, I have finally turned to my sewing supplies which have been crammed in a tote bag for almost a year. When sharing an office, there is a certain negotiation delineation of territory which, in our case, is ongoing. I seem to control the closet space, while OilMan has taken over two of the three desks. (Not to mention my grandmother's victorian table. This may require more re-arranging of furniture (or the building of a wall)!

In the meantime, what started as an effort to assess what I actually have, what I threw out in a panic before we moved, and what unfinished projects need to be finished up before I start on something new, wound up scattered randomly around the top of my one secure bit of territory. I rather liked the way it looked, so I stopped for a moment and took a picture of it. The hard part is organizing small items such as beads, embroidery floss, pins and needles in some coherent way so that they can be found easily and NOT by stepping or sitting on them.

When the kids were small, the floor was always littered with Lego bricks, Barbie shoes, little cars and Monopoly game tokens (things OilMan referred to as GDI's, or ***dammits). Now I seem to be dealing with the grown up version and they are just as hard to tame and corral.

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