Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Hôpital de Cerdagne

Following advice received, instead of going to Perpignan hospital, we drove up to the end of the high plateau of the Cerdagne to Puigçerda, just in Spain. The hospital serves the communities on both sides of the border and we were told it is very efficient and waiting times are short. The specialist who Mrs TT saw a couple of weeks ago thought that there was no problem with her liver or gallbladder but still advised an ultrasound to confirm the scan. I was very impressed that he wanted to double check. The hospital was very modern with all the specialties and waiting rooms branching off one single long corridor. We were in and out within 20 minutes and asked to call back a little later for the images and report. We took the opportunity to go to the Spanish supermarket and buy some things that are less available in France or cheaper. We managed to get five litres of olive oil for the price of two in France. On the way back, we called in at an artisan butcher that has an incredible range of meat and other products for which the Cerdagne is famous. We bought a shoulder of lamb and two slices of gigot to make a tagine. It was a very successful expedition and we were back by lunchtime. In the afternoon I tried to book an appointment with the physiotherapist at his clinic but he is not in on Thursday. I also listened to President Macron's address to the French people from last night which was a strong and articulate argument to combat Russia’s aggression.

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