The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG


Afternoon all, 

Stunning day today so wasted no time in getting the dogs out. Had a fab walk, coastal path and beach then back to pick up feral Granddaughter from school as Elder G is having a flare up. She stays over every Thursday with Elder G and Mini G. Elder G normally picks her up from school but not up to it today so I had the honours of picking up the bundle of energy with 3 million questions within a ten minute walk !! 
Then myself and Mamma G went to a new cafe that's opened in town. Used to be a coffee shop that roasted there own but no more, Cafe Verde has opened and it's the best Macaroni and cheese with garlic ciabatta ever tasted.....I'll be back !! 
Picking up Mini G to take her to Handsome Boy's salon for her hair to be cut. 
Early night tonight as back to work tomorrow for a rest!!

Have a great evening 
TTFN :0)

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