
By Ilja

May I have your order please?

A strange day. Because of that I went to the Mc Donalds to have a fast meal for every one. But they are renewing the restaurant and because of that everyone who wants to order has to go through the drive in! So those boys are not doing something wrong, they just want to order.

As said, it was a strange day. My dad went to the doctor and ended up in hospital. He had a strange feeling in his arm this morning. In hospital he learned it was because of a minor TIA. All is well for now, the feeling was normal again after a couple of minutes, but he stays in the hospital for at least the next 24 hours.
In the mean time my husband hurt his back and can’t take care of E. He went to the physiotherapist and has to do exercises at home. He also has 3 more appointments for therapy. That should do the trick.
And I? I am going to sleep as soon as the care for E is done tonight. And than I hope to sleep as long as possible…Zzzzzzzz

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