Work to do!
I woke up this morning feeling a little better than I have been doing. The runny nose, sore throat, drastic coughing, sore eyes(!) still felt bad but somehow the rest of the body was reclaiming its equilibrium so I wrapped up warmly and went out to look at the world.
More specifically I went out to look at The Red House and the barge board knocked of by Rikard's machine as he was concentrating on scraping the ice. I decided now wasn't the time to do the whole job but I managed to more-or-less tie the boards into position. This will keep the end of the roof waterproof and once warmer weather is here I can do a proper job fixing it all permanently.
It's the second time it's happened so when I fix it I'll cut the last 45 cm of barge board off, and fix it back in place separately. Should Rikard or a delivery truck catch that corner again it will only be a 45cm piece of wood to fix back! Jan's blip shows the temporarily finished job.
Once that was done I was exhausted so I'm not exactly back to normal.
After a bit of a rest we went off to Rose's for a delicious meal and then on to FilmStudio. Tonight's film; "Without Air", was an excellent one, based on a real story, about a popular teacher who suggests her literature students should watch the film "Total Eclipse" about the relationship between the poets Verlaine and Rimbaud, whom they are currently studying. One of the parent's complains the film is unsuitable for (17-year-old) students and things escalate from there.
I felt it was a fairly universal story. Certainly the three of us (all ex-teachers) felt the story could be set in a similar school in many countries, certainly Sweden or the USA, as well as in eastern Europe. The staff-room felt very familiar! Another film to recommend!
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