Today was rather frustrating. I had planned several things - and being my last full day there, I didn't want to waste it... but I pretty much did.
It was market day, so went there first thing and was quite disappointed. Then I took some of my books to the library, but found that they don't take books in English, despite me asking before if they did and being told to bring them - it turned out that the person I talked to doesn't work there and was just helping. It was too late to do anything before lunch.
Afterwards, my sister and partner went to a nearby town for a change. I would have gone with them, but mum wanted me to go to the bank with her and had an appointment mid-afternoon. To be fair, it was partly for my benefit as she wanted to transfer a bit of money to me and doesn't know how to do it... So I just had time to go to a bookshop before the appointment - which is always pleasant.
My other sister and brother-in-law came in the evening.
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