
By littlemissquirk


Great day in the West.
Ash Wednesday, officially my second birthday so my best pal took me out for lunch at Oakwood Garden Centre. A good long gab and great food. Finished with a flea cemetery, haven’t had one for years!

Then onward to pick up daughter from Uni, meet son for his washing, Nando’s as ever.

Trip to the Theatre Royal to see Pride and Prejudice( sort of) which I saw a few years ago and loved. R ‘s favourite book but rather different from the usual BBC versions. What a hoot, great fun, quirky, sweary hilarious.
As was the intermission where we down let a riotous fifteen minutes taking photos on the spectacular staircase.
Thankfully R enjoyed the play as much as me. Culture with daughter is the new going out.
Fantastic day

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