Everyone Has Been Now
RHS course day and Sam came with me so now Mrs S, Sam and Josh have all been to the place that gives me great joy, no little peace and a lot of contentment.
We stopped off for a Dad-Daughter breakfast so I could explain what she could expect, I needn’t have worried Sam soon settled down, chatting, looking around and helping out.
Meanwhile I had a course assessment to complete, today was planting in containers, for us hanging baskets. Sounds easy, it is easy, but still things to learn, ‘thrillers’, ‘spillers’ and fillers, slow release fertiliser, water retaining gel and a multitude of other things including sunshine and warmth.
We headed off home via the Eden shop, postcards for Sam, coffee pods for me.
Pancake Day, I almost had a couple but called away to help a friend just as they were ready, three each for Mrs S and Sam, none wasted.
Wonderful day
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