Pictorial blethers

By blethers


No, not the fact that I didn't write yesterday's blip till lunchtime today - the devastation I'm referring to is that which is half-glimpsed in the photo I've pinched for today, of which more anon.

I failed entirely to get up for an early shopping trip this morning, partly because I woke at 4am lying on the "wrong" side with painful result, and didn't sleep well after that. In fact I didn't get out to Morrison's till after coffee time, and even then I let Himself drive me there because I still felt a tad stoned on the painkillers and didn't want to hit anything. It felt horribly busy, though Himself thought it wasn't bad - shows you what I've got used to. I seemed to spend an awful lot of money, though a coupon I found in my wallet saved me £7 at the checkout; I got a whole wad of paper given to me today, which may have something to do with the Pyrex offer they're running just now. I once got a trio of white bears, long after the time I might have had a use for them - they're still sitting on a chair in the spare bedroom. 

The weather was uniformly grey and windy today - so shut up if you had sunshine: I don't want to know! As there was no sign of sunshine to the south, we decided to go to Benmore Gardens, just opened for the season, and see how that last storm had left them. Many of the paths are currently closed off with signs on them saying it'll be like this till they've cleared the fallen trees, particularly on the hillside gardens, so we walked round the base of the  hill instead of our usual route. Himself took the photo which I've used because it shows the scale of the trees more than the devastation (that wee figure in the distance is me), though you can see the debris left o the path after some felled wood has been cleared. It must have been terrifying when they were crashing down. 

The hideous thing about sciatica is how it feels not bad at all when I'm moving about, walking and so on, then attacks again when I give in and fall asleep on a chair. And at the computer, so I'd better desist...

I do not care for that man Tice, by the way - just seen him on Question Time.

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