I Witness

By KangaZu

Chippy! Chippy! Chippy ...

... cuteness overload!

After lunch today I spent some time in the greenhouse photographing whatever came around.  It wasn't much to start but then the activity picked up a bit.  There were lots of different birds ... including this Carolina Wren that I've posted to Facebook.

Even though we had seen a chipmunk several days ago at the end of February we hadn't seen any in our yard since that day.  Until today!  I was absolutely thrilled when I saw this little female out in the back yard.  She wasn't getting super close to the house just yet so I had to crop this photo a bit ... even at 600mm. Hopefully with time ... and more peanuts ... she will become more friendly towards me.  I love it when they trust me enough to take a peanut from my hand.  

She must be viewed full screen to appreciate her cuteness!

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