
By soozaday


What a bunch of weather we had today: bright sun (I should do laundry, maybe go for a walk), dark clouds (don’t hang the clothes outside, good thing I didn’t go out yet), the sound of rain on the skylight (good call), clear blue sky (I can do another load), it’s hailing! (get inside right now). I could make some analogy to our political situation (don’t go there). Instead, I make a rhubarb coffee cake from a fine old Liberty Cafe recipe. It’s the first rhubarb of the season. I go out to pick in between raindrops.

The photo? it’s the bones from a greenhouse arrangement over the lettuce bed.

And as for italics, I just remembered my electric typewriter with interchangeable fonts. What an amazing thing! I could change those metal globes in an instant and have italics. So state of the art. And white out, to correct the occasional error. God help those of us who had to type those multi-colored NCR forms—you needed blue out, yellow out, pink out, green out. And roll the whole thing back in so you have perfect alignment to type the correction. You became a good typist in a hurry. That’s it for history, boys and girls.

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