
By Greenstead

Penultimate day

Another busy day.
I started with an event featuring two authors who are publishing their first books, David L Haigh and May Rinaldi. It was interesting to hear how they got to this point. As usual I asked if they were going to have an audio version. You always get the same answer… it’s up to my publisher… I know this isn’t entirely true and so I tell them it is the fastest growing section of the publishing industry and they need to get involved, and that whilst they might not make the decision, they can encourage their publishers…
After this I returned to my brothers where we had lunch. We were joined by his daughter/my niece. I had another event at 2pm so left them to go to see Milton Caldwell. He has had a very interesting life and has fictionalised it in his books. He even bumped into Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
The third event was the Wanderlust Women at the Dark Skies Planetarium. This is where I got my blip. These poets got together during lockdown and now travel all over the world. I went to this one to see the planetarium and got this fabulous backdrop of the moon. The poetry was good too
The final event was one chosen by brother J. It was about the land laws in Scotland and surprisingly I found it quite interesting. A good end to another interesting day.

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