Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Red Barn

Bill sold the excess rock that we bought yesterday, once again using Craigslist and we took the load over to these people's house in the Hockinson area of Clark County. No, this isn't their house...I just realized it may have read like it was. It's not terribly far from where we live, and we did find their house okay. It's nestled into an area of 5 acre lots on a hill and they have a wonderful view. We were coming into this nice area in our older black pickup that is filthy dirty with our load of rocks, and I'm hoping somebody hasn't called the police to check on the riff raff checking out their neighborhood! But, we found the house, they were really nice people and I got to see their horses before their daughter and a friend went trail riding. Petted the family dog, chatted with the husband, who is an artist and does sculptures and also works on making things for big budget movies in Hollywood. The things we learn. Very interesting.

Hockinson is a frustrating place to drive around as the streets are busy(there are a lot of houses tucked all over the place in the Hockinson hills) but they are just two lane country roads with ditches on either side and no place to pull over if you spot something Blippers are wont to do. So, this red barn is taken on the fly, so to speak.

Okay, so that's it for the day. Hope all is well....catch ya later.

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