Fresh Air!
I felt so rough yesterday that I messaged Claire to say I couldn't work today. My throat hurt loads especially when talking, and I felt really wiped out. My ear (just the right one!) still hurts, but painkillers are helping.
It also helped to get a really good night sleep last night, and it was pretty late when I woke up...
I've finally managed to sort out the bank issues, with a bit of help, so that's one less problem.
We only had a short walk around the park yesterday and I was starting to feel a bit stir crazy, so I asked Bri if we could go somewhere in the car to find a Blip. We decided to go to Doddington Hall and walk around the gardens as it's pretty there, with plenty of flowers in bloom, but not too much of a trek to walk round. And the more we go, the better value we get for our passes.
This shows some of the wilder part of the garden, looking towards the house. There's a wire sculpture of fighting unicorns in the foreground. There's a couple of extras of a meadow area and some very old trees too.
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