There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

LGK Lets the Good Times Roll

"Laissez les bons temps rouler!"
Which is to say . . . Let the good times roll!

I got back from my morning bike ride to discover that we had a visitor. LGK (Little Gray Kitty), who belongs to a neighbor, was sitting on our front porch. I parked my bike and he strolled down the steps. I sat down in a chair, got my camera out of my daysack, and snapped photos as the cat proceeded to roll. "Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep those Tabbycats rolling!" I sang.

There is a dry spot in front of the garage door that LGK loves to lie in. He rolls on his back. He stretches his paws. He sticks his tongue out. He sits up, and looks (with his current girth) not unlike Jabba the Hutt; all he needs is one of those little monkey-lizards as his own Salacious B. Crumb. Perhaps one of the local chipmunks would be willing to step into the role.

The cat likes to thump his paws against the garage door itself, which I find immensely funny. In this shot, he was performing some sort of crotch-maneuver that I'm not sure I understood. Paws splayed, there he lay, looking quite pleased with himself and the world. We humans could learn a lot about how to be happy from cats, I think.

There was an entirely separate floor show going on on the driveway. For my husband had also just gotten back from HIS bike ride around the block (no, we don't always go together). And he was performing some tricks with his bike in the driveway, quite possibly showing off for his girl, which is to say ME, the Cherished Wife.  :-)

Anyhow, right at this juncture, my husband had let out a yip of startlement, as he had just discovered that he'd caught the crotch of his pants on the bike seat and couldn't get free. So he was doing some odd sort of twist-and-shout dance, maneuvering the bike around - it looked like some bizarre Argentine tango - trying to get unstuck. Which he did, in short order. Thank goodness.

So as you can see, I had plenty to entertain me at this moment. Apparently, this is how we celebrate Mardi Gras week here. The show must go on! Keep those Tabbycats rolling! My soundtrack song is the Cars, with Let the Good Times Roll.

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