secret garden

By freespiral


I think she had just emerged and was fluttering in the polytunnel, still fluttering as she expanded her wings on my finger, allowing me to find my camera, swop fingers and take a blip - just about in focus!  She flew off a few minutes later. 
Wide awake at 5.30 this morning and we tackled applications for Irish passports. Himself's all good, but my photo was rejected on multiple occasions for no apparent or obvious reason. Earrings in, earring out, scarf on, scarf off, frown on frown off, hint of a smile on then off, but to no avail. This happens regularly especially going through airports when my face is never recognised - though I only had to go once to the naughty place on our last trip to New Zealand. It must be my elfin blood. Very stressful though and I shall have another go on Monday.
Tomorrow we are off to Cork city to see Gobnait the musical! We are staying overnight so will catch up on Sunday. I think it's International Women's Day tomorrow so Gobnait seems a fitting subject.

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