
By LadyFindhorn

The Book Group

You can’t improve on cheese cake and fruit compote for the mid morning coffee break during  our monthly book group meeting. It was delicious and negated any thought of a lunch afterwards. It also detracted from the book discussion which followed.
It had been my turn to chose a book and I had made the mistake of getting help from some newspaper to suggest ‘Go as a River’ by Shelley Read. I realised once I started reading it myself that it wasn’t quite the grade of book we usually discuss but I wasn’t prepared from one of our members saying it was the worst book she had ever read. Harsh words indeed giving my fragile ego a huge dunt!

My afternoon flashed past with a Maggie’s meeting in the Art College Café followed by the TGIF drinks with the neighbours at the Marriott in Quartermile. It’s been a very quick week ending with a final flourish today.

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