A eureka moment
I finally had a dawning realisation in relation to tilt-shift photography, mostly thanks to the excellent website of Keith Cooper Keith Cooper's photography blog - news, articles, and reviews
I've been practising with leftovers from the Christmas hamper which (shamefully) are still hanging around on the dining table.
Tilt-shift has many serious and practical applications in architectural and real estate photography, but it's the creative possibilities that excite me. It is extraordinarily difficult to get to grips with it, though, because once you tilt your lens, nothing behaves as you expect it to be behave. I have discovered that putting the lens on my mirrorless Nikon makes the process a lot easier (though still tricky) because the focus peaking in the viewfinder (and on the screen) at least allow you to get a sense of where the plane of focus is.
This photograph might not look like much to you, but to me it's a major breakthrough!
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