Busy day at work which finished with getting a key client renewed and signed up to a further two year deal.
He’s delighted as he’s got a little certainty at least for the next couple of years and I’m pleased as I keep a nice client for two more years!
There was a guest appearance from Debs who I hadn’t seen in a couple of weeks and she’d brought me a gift (extra), which is a coaster she picked up at the Tim Burton exhibition a couple of months back! She said that it sums up how life feels at the moment and I think I know just what she meant!
When evening time came, I headed into town to meet my brother in law and we spent a very pleasant couple of hours with drinks in hand, laughing, catching up and talking about epic video games. I am sorely tempted to pick up a new console, but not sure I can justify the cost!
Or maybe I’m just over-thinking it….y’know, for a change!
Anyway, this was the view down river as I walked home. Such a pretty view at night.
Happy weekend all!
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