Fight Club.

Today I've been blipping for 3 years. I must admit I can't quite believe it, sometimes I feel like I can't be bothered, but most days I enjoy the fact I have to think about what I'm going to do next.

Anyway, I didn't think up anything special, but I spotted our twin boys Hudson and Nelson, having a right old rough and tumble this morning. They are nine and a half years old, and still tolerate each other quite well. In the wild they would never be this friendly and really would fight to kill.

Having been away from work for 2 weeks, I had to have a look at our polar bear cub, couldn't believe how much it has grown, so will try and get a pic of that too in the next few days.

To all the people who look at my blips and especially to the ones who comment, I thank you all very much, you really don't know how much I appreciate it, but I do, very much.

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