Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Wild Daffodil

Narsissus pseudonarcissus

Yes, I'm going to have another rave now about how much I love these.  How, as a child, they carpeted the woods I knew in North Devon and how totally astonished I was the first time I saw them like that.

This, of course, was seen on my shortish walk on the edge of Winchester this morning and I knew they'd be there, though there were only about three.  All the same, it made me pretty happy.

The rest of the day's been largely taken up by both J and K deciding to turn out their belongings and try to store them more neatly (about which I certainly wouldn't complain) while I tried to clean and clear the conservatory which has still not been put together again properly post-flood.  It still needs its new flooring, etc, though it is a lot dryer than it was.

Have a happy Saturday evening  xx

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