Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Lazy Saturday

After a nice couple of days out, it was time for some grown up-ing around the house and some sofa surfing. I finished the book I started on Thursday, Maybe I Don't Belong Here by David Harewood. What a book. Open, honest, raw and yet still often funny and hopeful. Loved it. I also put away an entire second book, Delicacy by Katy Wix. I loved this. It's often funny and occasionally silly, but also an incredibly frank look at grief and loss. I honestly don't know if reading it today, on my recently passed Grandad's birthday, was a bad idea or the best idea. I don't think I've ever seen grief written about so plainly and relatably before. Brilliant. I also got to use the origami bookmark I made at the charity event last month!

Bookworm Challenge Update:
Book Count: 2
Page Count: 510

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