A fun day!
Art club this morning, I love how much they are enjoying it! I snuck in a coffee whilst they got creative, so it was win win!
Up to Granny and Grandpa for a quick cupboard tea, that intact was lunch and a long play in the garden for the boys, who knew exactly where Granny had put the water pistols last year and wasted little time in getting them out. Much fun had by them.
Home, decided to start burning the lastest pile of hedge and tree cuttings in the garden - a pile the size of a decent room - and we managed to get through it all.
Forgot to explain yesterday's blip picture - a bonus of the new house is the time I can put in to looking at fabrics for when we reach the furnishings stage, highly enjoyable and I love the print on the picture, a potential for a door curtain.
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