
By windychickens

Freezer RIP

Elbows has gone off early early and is away for a week or so. Walking the dogs was fine. Wonderful even. It was so gorgeous out there. My shoulder is much improved. Not totally there but getting there.

Then drove to Together Bible study which was a great couple of hours.

But the note of the day was turning off our chest freezer for good. Permanently. We got this freezer when we were first married 29 years ago. It was emptied and transported here when we moved to this house 20 years ago. It has been full to bursting for street parties and weddings and Christmas and New Year’s Eve gatherings and big birthdays and I have loved having such a huge freezer space. But it can’t go with us.

So I’ve worked at emptying it and it now is. I’ve switched it off and it’ll go to the dump when Elbows is back. Wow. What a beast it’s been. :-))

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