Marking Time

By Libra

A blast from the past.......

Well, here’s a fun blip for Silly Saturday. I found this photo amongst a pile of old black and white ones waiting to be digitised.
It goes back to my days working on the Sheffield Star as a Woman’s Feature Writer.
 ( You can tell how long ago that was. Women’s Pages shortly afterwards  morphed into Lifestyle and quite right too.)

The Features Editor asked us to do a light hearted  Christmas story based on  our idea of the perfect Christmas gift. One writer chose a fur coat, another a Dulux dog and I opted for a vintage Rolls Royce. (!!!!).

At the time I drove a white MG Midget and I quite liked the idea of having  a spin in  a Rolls. To my chagrin this was not offered.

I cringe at the thought of it now. Would men have ever been asked to do something so frivolous?

PS. What happened to us? One writer moved to television , the other to Fleet St and I came to Scotland.


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