Silence! Some of us need our kip
Ottawacker Jr. was off school today, but you wouldn’t have known. He spent the entire day in bed (with a couple of minor movements as he moved from bed to sofa. The day was, consequently, spent moving on eggshells. If he is willingly going to bed, then he must be crook. No fever, just very tired, and a mild photosensitivity, which strengthens and then wanes.
All three of us are still sick, but I am happy to say that the first shoots of recovery are being felt for me. Five days is long enough. At least it shows the other two that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Also remembered today that I should have been doing my thumb exercises. How high can you score on the Kapanji scale. I scored exceptionally highly and was very happy with myself – until I realised I was supposed to use the thumb of the same hand to touch the other areas, not of the opposite hand…
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