Sunny Days!
We weren't up too late today for a Sunday as Brian was going for coffee with his cousins. (They'd have coffee, he's not a fan - he'd have a bottle of pop!)
This gave me a bit of time to chill and do my own thing, so I did a good yoga session, watched some YouTube and started reading another book. Lovely! As an only child I do like my own space sometimes, though I know you can have too much of a good thing!
The Minst is here of course. Although he is an indoor cat, he's enjoying the sunlight and warmth streaming through the windows and follows it around as it moves. He's on the computer chair now.
This morning whilst I ate breakfast he sat on the fireplace alongside the little ornaments that are there. I really liked the patterns created by the sunlight and shadows from the net curtain.
Later today we will watch Wigan play Huddersfield on TV. Their game is today, as is Warrington's, to give them extra time to recover from the Vegas trip last week. I hope it's been long enough...
Straight after, we'll go to see all the kids and grandkids at Jeri's.
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