For some time MrM has been looking to buy a jacket that's slightly more smart than his usual practical outdoor gear. A shop in Fox Valley that sells such things has a closing down sale, so we decided to go and see what's on offer. Unfortunately nothing suitable for MrM, but we browsed around a couple of other shops too. MrM came away empty handed, but I bought a dress. None in petite in the shop, so it will arrive in the post in a few days.
It was a lovely day and we had hoped to walk around Langsett reservoir before going home, and thought the crowds would have thinned slightly by the time we got there. Wrong! No parking spaces in the car parks or in sensible places along the verges - cars everywhere, some in places where there definitely shouldn't have been any. So we gave it a miss and went back to spend some time in the garden instead. On the way MrM spotted these two...
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