Beware ....
.... of three bulls!
Breakfast in the hotel made up for yesterday's supper - a sumptuous array of compotes and fruit and pastries. And the sun was shining. We wend our way home and popped into Kilcrea Friary - a marvellously evocative and imposing ruin in the middle of a field.. Today, even though early, it was busy - a gathering of arty types filming a music recording. It was all taking a while so we wandered off to the tower house across the fields on the other side of the road, also very impressive. Uh oh - not one but three rather handsome bulls, complete with rings in their noses and attitudes, lurking at the stile. We conversed politely but they declined to let us go any further.
Now home, add pretty wrecked.
Backblip of a few city views
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