The end of the holiday
I slept until 7 and the bed was comfortable.
There was no hair dryer to be found but there was an ironing board and iron!
The shower was over a very narrow bath. As I stepped in, my foot slipped and I banged my right arm against the wash hand basin. I was pretty shaken and have a dramatic (possibly exaggerating here) bruise to show for it.
Once upright in the shower, I read a notice which said that to prevent accidents, bath mats were available from …. But the rest of the notice was behind the shower fitting!
The water drained very slowly.
The cooked breakfast was all over cooked and dried out.
A manager is supposed to phone but I’m not holding my breath. When I fly from Manchester in May I will choose a different hotel.
Rant over.
The train journey was almost on time with a 12 minute delay because a door on first class was faulty. It was busy so I had company for different sections of the route. Sadly one was an elderly man on his way to Blackpool. His aroma was strong, pungent and unpleasant but I had to stick it out.
NB those of you who enjoy my expeditions vicariously do not need to imagine the smell.
My blip is when a train on the opposite side disgorged a large number of passengers. I made the exposure in the Spectre app too long so you have to imagine them!
Joan met me at Hexham. Daisy is pleased that I am back and is currently kneading my legs with delight!
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