Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The river roars

I knew we had had a lot of rain overnight as I heard the river as soon as I opened the door. It also rained a lot yesterday. We were able to ring today with the help of the visiting vicar and one of our ringers who occasionally makes the hour's journey up from the coast for the service. Several of our band are away at the moment. The vicar told me he had to slow to a crawl and could not read the exit signs on the motorway, so hard was the rain. I had a quiet day otherwise as I have an earache. I hope it does not involve a visit to the doctor. I checked online and the next appointment with our GP is mid May! I would have to use the hospital doctor service which is for people who don't have a GP or need to see a doctor more urgently. The health service works well usually when you need to see a specialist but GP services are struggling particularly in rural areas. I settled down in the afternoon to watch the rugby.

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