Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

A Day Of Minimalistic Pictures

Well that is what I thought it was going to be.
When I got up about 01.00 you could barely see the street light less than 50yds away.
By 07.30am I was able to see the house 2 doors down.

I was rather taken with the moisture on the Hazel catkins so I went and took some shots of them and the moisture on a bit of web.

SWMBO was having a bad morning with her 'sleep diary' on her laptop (it was refusing to 'save' her entries) so to save her sanity and the integrity of the laptop I took her out for a walk.

It was still foggy (as you can see from the main shot) but it cleared quite quickly and turned into a nice day. It also meant that light levels rose a bit and I was even able to get a shot of a Squirrel making off with some kind of nut in its mouth.

Pictures are over here

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