
By Hotmandarins


I've spent a few hours in the garden this weekend. Chopping up branches from stuff previously cut back, and then chopping up new bits having decided the fuchsia was a bit too big. I am well-know for getting a bit giddy with the loppers! Also cut back a load of ivy yesterday. All that went to the council tip yesterday afternoon (the garden waste bin won't be emptied for another three weeks - I don't know why they start so late here). Today's job was to start tidying the tiered beds at the back of our house. I generated another pile of bits, but that will be composted instead. I uncovered some crocuses and daffodils in the process so took a couple of phone photos. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the garden, a fox has been snoozing on the neighbour's compost heap for much of the day. It looked up at me a couple of times, but I was far enough away to not be threat.

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