still trucking...

By johnsmiley1321

A few birds of Kirkland...

A nice day.. After breakfast, I walked over to the biggest bakery a half mile away.. They have all my mom's favorites - from a raspberry croissant, bear claw, spinach quiche and... I picked up the raspberry croissant for today. Mom was pretty good today. Her appetite is back which is wonderful but her mind wasn't there today. She asked where I was many times despite me being beside her.. We did all the normal things... watched movies, looked at Tigers photos, peoples blips and.. She didn't want me to go home when I left...

A quick walk in the park before going home is where I saw these birds.. Quite a few others too. I know I blew out the eagles but after using the iPhone so much I am going to say I was a bit rusty  ;-)  A collage in the extra.

Back to work tomorrow..    

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