Sunday ...
... Funday.
For our walk this afternoon we went to the L'il Le Hi Fish Hatchery hoping to see some interesting birds ... namely the great blue heron that are often seen there. Sadly, we didn't see any herons but we did come across this lovely female Common Merganser. I know it's not the best merganser picture ever but I've only ever posted one other picture of a Hooded Merganser chick and that was almost two years ago. We see them often enough but I've never really gotten a decent enough picture before.
After leaving the fish hatchery we did some shopping whilst on that side of the Valley ... the whole point of going in that direction in the first place. We were home in plenty of time for supper.
In other news: We set our clocks ahead last night for the start of Day Light Saving time. It'll be nice for the later sunsets ... which should allow us to get out after supper for our walks.
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