Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

Pretty little flowers

I have been told what these flowers are in the past but I can't remember !!
They were in the Dawber garden in Lincoln, last time I went there were some small pixie like doors in the wall, but they have gone apparently they have been stolen, such a pity when the trust tries so hard to add little interesting extras around the garden !!
Did a good walk this morning around the Bail area, then had a panic when I was going to check my steps and my phone was not in my pocket !! 
I hoped that I had just forgotten to pick it up when I left home, thankfully it was where i had left it on my chair :-) It got me thinking that I did not know the phone numbers of any of my family in my head !! So I am going to put the numbers on a card in my wallet as it would also be helpful if something happened to me and they needed contacting :-)
Going to try and catch up tomorrow it is past my bed time !!

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