That Sunday Feeling
The weather forecast suggested that today would be foggy everywhere, but we woke up to a sunny day. We could see a wall of fog not that far away to the north. I was on Arlo's afternoon walk and decided to head south east, again not quite sure where we'd end up. After driving past Gladhouse and seeing how lovely that.looked, decided to try a walk in the Moorfoots. Did a meandering walk and reached a place we visited when Ms H started primary school and friends came here to play in the stream... maybe 18 years ago? We couldn't have explored much back then so decided to today, up to the round sheep pen and the Hirendean Castle ruins, and then fabulous views back to Gladhouse (further than that was masked by the fog). Then took a meandering walk back, past the millionaire's lodge (now deceased) and to Gladhouse. What a lovely walk, 2+ hours, Mrs C had the option to join us but didn't, ah well.
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