Supper, for the next few weeks
The air was still, butterflies were hovering and then flitting. Bomble was playing while the woodpeckers made strange noises and dig out their new nest in the old ash tree. It was teatime in the garden and when I stood still the abundance became more apparent.
A saw a tiny butterfly which I have never seen before, but couldn't get it in focus sadly. The front garden is being overrun by two rampant squash plants as well as self seeded marjoram. These courgettes stood out in the gloom although the vibrant yellow flowers didn't actually attract any bees whilst I was there. But they are delicious and deserve to be recorded as the first proper produce from the raised beds. The lettuce aren't quite fully grown, although that may be because of the slugs and snails. I am trying to manually fight them, but I fear I may not win.
Tonight Helena has promised a squash dinner, partly from these courgettes, but mostly from the round light green squash from the front garden.
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