South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


Having a day of unreality today, so thought I would blip an unreal peony! I have a crystal vase filled with a bunch of silk peonies. I think they look quite realistic - I wouldn't want them otherwise. Having a late celebration of my friend K's birthday, by eating (sugar-free) sweets and (sugary) ice cream and watching the DVD's of Nashville - about a number of fictitious country singers. I particularly like the music and have it on Spotify as well!

K. is a lot younger than me but suffers terribly from fibromyalgia and ME and is having a little sleep on the settee at the moment, so I thought I would do my blip for the day. An easy indoor one today, which I have zinged up a bit to make it more interesting - I hope! More DVD watching later and definitely something a bit more nutritious to eat!

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