Hands like earth movers

Quiet day on the fringe photography front with just a press-call at 11am for a show called Canary Gold so it gave me a chance to catch up on some admin, send a few mails out to the press and make contact with a few potential shoots. On my way back home for the rare occasion of a dinner that hasn't been bought on the move I decided to head down the Royal Mile to see which performers were about. I came across the guys from the show "We Are Goose" and they very kindly allowed me to switch lenses and set up this shot which has an added bonus of fitting into the Weekly Blip Challenge theme of Earth.

I also bumped into a couple of nice people who have agreed to organise a shoot for tomorrow morning in full costume that could have some good exclusivity about it and also help promote a local business on Broughton Street (although the nature of the business and the shoot means I won't be posting them on here).

In other great news, I made the front cover of the weekly edition of Three Weeks magazine and also had another 11 images featured inside the paper as well as being featured in the Daily Edition image of the day as well. All going fantastic so far but would love to do even more - any offers would be very welcome!

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