Left behind spade
My entry for today's MM, theme Left Behind, hosted by Lesley Alsford. Thanks, Lesley.
I found this spade on my morning's walk parked against some gates keeping people out of a local 'big house'. I don't know what it was doing there. There was no obvious work being done, no-one was around, and though in the past obviously well used the spade itself was looking rather forlorn.
The rest of the day's been surprisingly sunny but for my sins I've spent most of it turning out cupboards. Junk! What am I going to do with it all? Perhaps we should have a new challenge - 'Selling on Blip' The winner gets:
- an unwanted and largely unused futon
- a single curtain
- a truly horrible vase
- a shoe box containing Edwardian photos of family members, names unknown
- two plastic Christmas snowmen - luckily neither lifesized nor melting
- three boxes of ancient camera equipment, working condition doubtful ;-D
Enjoy your evening, folks xx
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