The skis were left behind this aft...
...when we walked down the 17 zigzags to Corvara...
It was honking down with snow this morning at breakfast time, so we delayed going out. Sadly, we didn't delay enough as the brightness came and went in a flash! See extra for the view from our window...
We did a few runs, but the visibility was poor and the snow heavy, so it wasn't a lot of fun. I was even skiing in goggles, which is unheard of!
We decided to ski down to our hotel for lunch at about 1pm, and it was 2pm by the time we'd done and neither of us could summon up any enthusiasm to get on a lift again
Instead, we decided to walk down to Corvara, which took about half an hour. The main is our view across to the murky mountains above Colfosco on our way down. The second extra wasn't the draw, but we did pop in for a cocktail at the wine bar before heading back up the zigzags - which took an hour!
Now got to get ready to go down for dinner - slight delay as I lost my write-up the first time ;(
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