Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


I had a lovely day at Ikea in Southampton, and even though I got hopelessly lost, a really nice lady who happened to be pulling out of a car park, showed me the way. I was heading East instead of West...Sat Nav can be really misleading!
I just love shopping at Ikea. What fascinates me is the number of items you see that you have no clue about what they are for, and then when you find out you're amazed at the cleverness of the idea! I had a wonderful time.

When I got home Miss O greeted me in a fabulous mood. She had taken Jim for a run, made cookies and was planning to make our supper...! She then put together my Besta white shelving unit....

I walked out into the garden and one of my lilies had opened in a gloriously abundant show of fabulousness. I shot it from behind because the colours would have burned your retinas, and I loved the way the petals were curling back - almost as if it was deliciously pleased with itself! ... and so it should be!

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