By lizzie_birkett

My Hero!

I don’t know whether this is allowed. Ricky Gervais is a champion for animals and I wrote a comment on his page. I got a heart from him personally!
He supports one of my favourite animal charities Animals Asia who has rescued hundreds of moon bears over the years from the cruel bear bile industry. The bile is used in Chinese medicines. 
It’s been a lovely sunny day but still very cold out there.
Today I ordered some better quality inks and nice colours for lino print and also some lino sheets.
Also as Frank can’t drive I phoned Twin Locks garden centre in Gargrave
to order 6 bags of compost, 2 bags of sharp sand and 6 lavender plants.
I was surprised when the man said that delivery is free. It will arrive tomorrow morning. 

We’re watching Toxic Town, a series on Netflix about toxins leaching out into water courses and causing illness and birth defects. A true story.

Goodnight Blippers and thank you all so much for the lovely comments, stars and hearts over the last few days.

;-) X

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