Feeding time
Yesterday while we were still in the NE, we got a phone call from G - Miss H was at work. Their childminder had said she wasn’t well and couldn’t have the kids today - could we help.
Luckily I wasn’t working today - though I had a lot planned.i went over last night after we’d got back from the NE, and after the kids were in bed.
Libby was very excited to find me there when she got up this morning, but we’ve had a lovely day. Played snap, did jigsaws, been to the dog field to walk Angus via the canal, had lunch out and then went to Notcutts to feed the fish (blip) and play on the outdoor play equipment.
Mummy and Daddy were very tired when they both got in tonight, and I am extremely tired after getting home. Edward’s vocabulary is rapidly expanding, peekaboo being a very popular one today!
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